Bonobos & Missionaries in the Squirting Pussy Rainforest
Photos by Travis Yoder

"Bonobo Night 9/11" beats the terror with the Bonobo Way of Peace through Pleasure, honoring our "kissin' cousins" the bonobo chimpanzees, and bringing out the animal in everyone, with sex stars swinging, rock stars singing, porn clowns honking, bonobo babes bonking, plus two quivering Christian anti-porn missionaries and a hapless New York Times reporter caught in the jungle of steaming streaming pleasure, Warholesque art and Felliniesque révolution at Dr. Suzy's living legendary Speakeasy. Stars of Bonobo Night include the extraordinary Geyser of Desire ANNIE BODY squirting like Old Faithful from her tropical rainforest red hairy bush (now that's the kind of BUSH we like!), frisky fraulein dick--wallower SHAYNA NIGHT, Brazilian bonobo bombshell LUCCIA, sultry ORGASMICAL, reps from the Hollywood Erotic Museum, cute 'n' kinky rockers INDY 500 singing "LICK" as the ladies do the hoka-

hoka, plus about a dozen horny, horn-honking members of the PORN KLOWN POSSE (featuring SHMUTZ, DANGER, freekBALL & more) and the fabulous magical ARTIST MARIO SAUCEDO romping into Dr. Suzy's arms with a tribe of masked bonobo "ambassadors," going bananas and creating a surreal sexual PLANET of the APES right in Dr. Suzy's Bed. It's a Commedia Erotica ZOO--(which is appropriate considering that Dr. Suzy had shared an incredible intimate experience with a beautiful REAL BONOBO mama named LANA at the San Diego Zoo just the day before). Speaking of the real bonobos, Bushmeat Project director DR. TONY ROSE also joins us by phone, sharing the "SEXERGY." but reminding us all that the real bonobos are extremely endangered in their native habitat of the Congo, and we must all do what we can to help save them from extinction. Then, into this Jungle of Progressive Politics and Great Ape Sex, step two anti-porn Christian missionaries, MIKE and CRAIG of the XXXCHURCH, scared shitless that one of the naked chicks will jump their bones and rock their world (or that Annie will baptize them with her Holy Water), but determined to promote their website and not appear too chickenshit in front of the NEW YORK TIMES reporter. But alas, the Church Boys couldn't take the heat very long and didn't have much to say anyway (when asked how they respond to the fact that porn has never fomented any wars, while Christianity and other religions have murdered millions in Crusades & Inquisitions over the centuries, they replied, "um, porn is our issue" When asked what they think of a Christian married couple watching porn as an aphrodisiac, they said "They don't need it."). Poor Boys Lost in their own hyper-earnest hypocrisy. PASTOR TAMMY of the Full Gospel Ranch, with her cute Christian panties ("Jesus Loves My Ass!"), was more our kind of missionary. Inspired by all the Christian zeal, Luccia screws herself with Dr. Suzy's JESUS JACKHAMMER dildo ("Jesus is in her now!"), Annie and Shayna play on the Love Rocker and squirt some more, Mario goes Ape, Dr. Suzy goes bananas, and everybody hoka-hokas like the bonobos to INDY 500. So: Hot Squirting Sex, Porn Klowns, Art Apes, the Church, and a message of Peace through Erotic Pleasure brought to us by the Bonobos, all of it filmed for a documentary on how animals inspire us by Mona-Lisa Productions, our friends from France. Liberate your Inner Bonobo! FEEL the SEXERGY. And Give Peace through Pleasure a Chance...



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